Advent/Christmas, Crafts/Printables

Advent & Christmas Printables

How are you doing?


Christmas music is playing, things are buzzing, plans are being made, there are crafts to do and cookies to bake but PLEASE…please let’s not forget the WHY. Why do we make such a fuss and guss over the next few weeks? We celebrate the gift given to us through the life of a baby…Emmanuel. God came to be with us so that we could be with Him again. Please use these printables to help guide you in keeping Christ front and center in your festivities.

December Printables Slider

Here are you December Printables that look forward to being your helpers.

Pin God 1st

Advent Pin God 1st Slider

The goal of Pin God 1st is to help you choose God over social media in your day. Read the assignment each day BEFORE you allow yourself on any social media apps. Get the back story on why and how Pin God 1st got started here.

Advent Christmas 2013 Pin God 1st Plan

Download here or from Google Drive here.

 Printable Memory Verse

December Memory Verse

Download here or from Google Drive here.

Post It Note To List 

December Priorities

Download from Google Drive here.