Craving Time, Life Coaching, Sole Hope, Soul Care, Tips & Tricks
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Sole Hope
Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting, Sole Hope, Soul Care
5 Benefits to Having a Strong Women’s Network
Are you a part of your local women’s church group? If the answer to that question is no, then it’s time you became part of one. Women are some of the most wonderful and powerful of God’s creations. Do you want to know what happens when we get together? AMAZING things. I don’t know what I’d do ...
How was Africa?
How was Africa? It has been the question of the week. I have searched all the adjectives in my arsenal and there is not one word that can sum up Africa. My mind has felt like a globe being spun out of control as I try to capture the “how was Africa?” answer. The best I have is that it felt like ...
Why I Don’t Love Africa.
My brother in-law is one of the co-founders of Invisible Children, my sister in-law is in the midst of adopting from Ethiopia, and my father in-law trains men in Ethiopia in the ways of small business and provides them start up money. Some of our closest friends adopted their little girl from ...
Red Rover, Red Rover Send Your Jeans On Over.
You: What if going to Africa isn’t in my future? Me: What my eyes are seeing is certainly shocking and heart breaking. Poverty is plentiful here. But, I am also still very well aware of home. My family and the mission field of my children rule over my heart. If you remember, when I started this ...
Intoxicating Touch
Touch. Touch is enticing. Intoxicating. Healing. Soothing. Powerful. A new bride slipping into her wedding night bed. A new life emerging and being placed bare on a mother’s chest. Hands wiping tears from a pain filled face. Fingers intertwining in support, love, and encouragement. Touch. ...
From: A child in Wakisi
I am a child. I live in the village of Wakisi. Wakisi is in Uganda. Uganda is in a continent called Africa. This is where I am a child. I am a child just like your children. I love to laugh. I go to school. I play. I like to be tickled. I think peek-a-boo is funny. I like to learn new things ...
Dear God, I know.
God, Last night after 19 hours on planes I laid my head down in Entebbe, Africa. I know, I was with you. I didn’t really sleep. I just laid there trying to sleep. I know, I saw you. Between the dogs howling, the critters crawling around, wondering if Logan was going to make stand-by, ...
Turning My Wishes into Blessings.
I am about to spend 13 days with my friend, and boss for Allume but we prefer the friend definition, Logan! We will be adventuring together with Sole Hope for #blogHope. We are kinda giddy about getting to spend this much time together. So here is the deal with Logan. She is vivacious, dynamic, ...
When your bra pops in public. Awkward!
You know that super uncomfortable moment when your bra pops in public or maybe you decide to wear tights with a skirt and you can feel them starting to inch down? Awkward! That is how I feel right now as I write this. But, it has got to get done. Soooo I leave in 22 days for Africa. I was ...