Dream Team

Good vs. Right

“Helping our kids develop is just one of the tasks in the plethora of responsibilities we juggle every day”

George Barna, Revolutionary Parenting


This week Holley asks the “Why?” question. Why are we pursuing our God-Sized Dream?

1. I have felt God nudging me towards it for years.

2. It is right.

For 20 years I have served in church ministry. They have all been mega churches which are an interesting bred. I have done it because I was called to it. I could never let it go. It is what God had for me. I have learned a lot in twenty years to the point in which I consider myself an expert. Promise, I am not bragging just claiming what has come with experience. You could invite me into your church world, give me a glimpse into your areas of concern and I could easily advise, make suggestions, help create vision and goals, and heaps years worth of quality curriculum on you. I am good at what I do.

 But being good at something doesn’t make it right. {tweet that}

My husband and my children need to know what it is like to have an expert wife and mommy. That, I am not…at least not yet. I know I will never be perfect, I know I have a lot to learn, I know I am terrified at failing, but I also know it is worth the risk. The people God has trusted me with need to know what it is like to have my complete focus. My children have been given to me as my mission field and sadly over the years I have watched too many children of church staff be forgotten and left behind in their parents ministry. I refuse. Refuse!

The puzzle pieces in this dream are still a bit MIA but I know as I continue to ask, seek, and knock, He will open that door.

ask seek knock

P.S. – Have you gotten your April To-Do List with Memory Verse? Or how about your Pin God 1st Daily Bible reading plan? Download them today.

Come discover the whys of other dreamers today over at Holley’s place!