A Letter. To The Freedom Seekers.
Last year Holley Gerth assembled together 99 God-Sized Dreamers. Our mission was simply to dream together, risk together, encourage each other, throw in read Holley’s awesome book together but the whole party turned into so much more than that. There really are no words to capture it all. ALL GOD! That team was in one word the CATALYST for the launch of my life coaching ministry. Everyday I get to wake-up passionate and excited to meet with women who seek life change. Soooo when Holley decided to issue a 2014 Encouragement Challenge I had to jump in of the FUN! because I trust God is up to something with Holley’s God given promptings.
To kick off the first week of this series she asks:
What encouraging words do you want the people you care about to hear?
My words today are dedicated to my very precious clients who have trusted me with their heart, their hopes, their dreams, their weaknesses, their longings, and desires.
I am grateful for you.
I am grateful that you simply trust me. Within minutes of our very first conversation you whip off the mask that hides the fear, the worry, the tension, the sadness and you allow me in. You choose vulnerable and it is beautiful.
I am grateful for the ways you let me dig at you, poke you, and prod you all in the name of getting to the roots.
And then once we make it to those roots you give in and say “let’s go further.” I am in awe of how ridiculously hard you work to name the lies that haunt you. These are things you must battle so that God’s truth can win. These lies are what we have to figure out how to fight and I am grateful I get to partner with you through that process. You could give up and throw in the towel but you want freedom and abundance and I want that for you too. But God wants it for you mostest!
I am grateful for your unique stories. No one person is the same. Each one presenting a new way to watch God at work.
I am grateful that I daily get to experience God leading and nudging women to new places…better places…places that grow them.
I am grateful for authenticity.
I am grateful for challenges that teach me.
I am grateful for you. I want you to know that.
You are precious. You are beautiful.
You bless me.
For that I am grateful.
With Joy,
Anyone need a bit of God-time help? Especially on those days when time gets tight and you need to “squeeze” it in. Grab the e-version of Cravings {The Devotional} today. All proceeds go towards my mission trip with Soul Hope.