Craving Joy, Craving Rest, Life Coaching, Soul Care, Tips & Tricks

#SoulCare: 5 Unique Ways to Manage Stress

The Lord will guide you always… You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” – Isaiah 58:11


When life becomes busy and it seems like too much to handle, it can be easy to forget that God has a hand in everything. We all deal with stresses—whether they be from work, home, or elsewhere—and managing that stress is a difficult task. When stress starts to make me crazy, I use these tools to honor His guidance and take some time for #soulcare.





Sometimes, recognizing your obstacles is the first step to conquering them. When I’m stressed, I like to take a few minutes each day to write my stresses or fears in my journal. Then, I reflect on the scripture and how I can apply God’s word to my life, and to the things causing me stress. Writing down a verse each day helps me remember that God is always at work, especially when life feels like a whirlwind.


Practice Gratitude

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the negative, which is why it’s so important to take time to focus on the positive. I like to make a list of the things I’m thankful for and hang it up to remind me each day. If it’s therapeutic for you, make gratitude into an art project—create a collage with images of all the things you are grateful for, paint a canvas or write a song. Let yourself be creative in expressing your gratitude.


Follow Your Joy

Between work, family, and home, things we have to do can get in the way of the things we want to do. Set time aside for yourself and the things that feed your joy. Whether it’s an hour to read a favorite book or a weekly afternoon walk, your personal time should be a normal part of your schedule, just like your children’s soccer practice or your weekly Bible study.


Purposeful Relaxation

Sometimes I need to shut down my mind and make my body relax. In these moments, I try to find activities that encourage relaxation for the body and soul. Find something that appeals to you; attend a yoga class, practice meditation (look into my favorite app, Calm available for free in the App store), take a soothing bath, or set aside time for quiet prayer and reflection. Allowing yourself time to unwind


Let the Stress Out

Have you ever felt like you needed to scream into a pillow? Me too. This reaction to stress is completely natural, and it’s okay to let your frustrations out! When all else fails, pummel the punching bag at the gym, throw water balloons at the fence, or splatter paint on a canvas. Let yourself express and accept these emotions in a therapeutic way.


Stress is temporary, but His love and guidance is eternal. Test out these strategies to find your equilibrium and trust in God’s plan. If you use these practices regularly and still feel stressed or in need of some guidance, feel free to look into my e-courses and coaching practices. I would love to connect and help you ensure that you are living your best life.