Craving Rest, Craving Time, Life Coaching
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God, Ann Voskamp is in my head.
Ann Voskamp – One Thousand Gifts “Inside I am feeling raw and discouraged. I am trying to be it all. Not enough of me to go around. Am I making the right decisions? Am I doing anything well? Do you see me? Do you want to use me at all?” – Ann Voskamp (Allume 2012 ...
God, I failed you…again!
God, The view in the mirror right now grosses me out. Seriously. Over the last several weeks I have allowed things to get out of whack. Unbalanced. I am listening. Balance. That word just seems to haunt me. I desire it in every fiber of my being but I can’t seem to manage it. Instead I ...
God, I failed.
God, I need to admit something. Okay, what? Over the last few days as the reality of everything is starting to settle in I feel as if I have failed my children. How and why? I have been so focused on selfish prayers, my doubts, and worries that I have let go of pouring into them. Our daily ...
God, did you REALLY just do that?
God, I have been quite for the last few days. I have wanted to shout “Praise God!” from the roof tops but I have just felt the need to be still and seek how to respond with the utmost humility. Honestly, I have been almost paralyzed wondering if it is all real. Did You really just put all the ...
God, I really wanted THAT lime.
God, I was picking limes off our tree that just overflows with sweet little green gems and there at the tippy top, smack in the center, was THE lime I wanted. It looked so perfect! But I couldn’t figure out how to reach it. I wasn’t tall enough even if I had gotten a ladder. Plus, the idea of ...
God, it feels like 7th grade again.
7th grade Carey. Wow! I needed a brow wax. Hi God. Hi. I feel like I am in 7th grade all over again. What do you mean? I feel immature in my faith. I feel like I am praying like I did then. Explain. When I wake in the morning I feel like praying “God, if you will please, please, please give my ...
God, Don’t let me forget.
God, I know I don’t say it enough but I wanted to say it now while I am thinking about it. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, and thank you some more for my sweet family. Thank you for all the giggles that fill our home. Thank for the tender moments I peeked in on between father and daughter ...
God, I feel guilty.
God, The other day I was feeling guilty for how much I need You right now. Really I should need You, like I do right now, all the time. But then You sent me a little reminder, in the form of one of my little people, how it works. As I was writing the other morning, early in the morning, before ...