Carey Bailey

Browsing Tag:

Mothers Day


You are…a PROMISE!

You are…a promise with a capital “P!” With five-year old gusto and pigtails swishing, I used to belt out this Sunday school favorite – I am a promise.   I am a possibility.  I am a promise with a capital “P.”  I am a great big bundle of potentiality.    And I am  ...

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You are…LIFE.

It is two minutes till midnight and I am a full hour past my self-professed bedtime. I wander into my kids’ bedrooms, re-cover them, give them a kiss, and linger a bit to feel their soft baby skin. I never want the pre-bedtime ritual to disappear. As I stand there my mind rewinds through our  ...

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Dear Child of Mine, Days pass, seasons change, and months turn into years and yet I still look at you as if you were a newborn.  Every time I watch you try something new, all of my fears and excitement return as if it were the first time I laid eyes on you.  The love you feel for a child can  ...

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You are . . . imperfect!  And (this is the good part), it’s okay!!!  I read a quote not long ago attributed to a pastor in North Carolina by the name of Steven Furtick.  He said, “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight  ...

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