#31Days to a Simpler Joy.
In October a chunk of the blogging world digs in and participates in The Nesters #31days series. While I always tinker with the idea of joining in the fun my reality is that I am launching a new ministry this month and I serve as the Creative Director for the Allume. So the reality is I have to have other priorities right now. But I have plenty of friends who are and I wanted to share Britta LaFont’s series.
This month I am joining over 650 other bloggers (and the number is still rising) to participate in The Nester’s 31 Days of…blog challenge. This is a commitment to posting on the same topic for every day of the month of October. Posting like this allows us to go deeper on a topic, commit to the discipline of writing, and be a part of something bigger. How fun!
It was easy to choose this topic – God has put it in the forefront of my mind for the past few months, before I had any thought of doing it for the #31Days challenge. I have written about this topic already here and here and here.
A Simpler Joy
Simple: not hard to understand or do; having few parts; not complex or fancy; not special or unusual.
I realized that I have had the habit of complicating my life…my thoughts…my heart. Somewhere along the road, I became more accustomed to stress than peace, and I got to living like striving was necessary. When burdens like anger or sadness or fear or worry get to be your regular companions, you can get so comfortable with them, that you can forget that Jesus died to free you from them. Later, when you encounter a peaceful season in life, it might feel too quiet, so mundane…like something is missing.
I have been in a time of relative peace recently. And in some ways it is a time of waiting. This quiet season has been almost too quiet for me. Have I missed the drama? I have sat, waiting for the next crisis to hit, and not resting in this sabbath time. I recognize now that what I need is to grow in contentment. Here is the better way:
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Phil 4:11-13)
When we move our focus from our feelings to the Lord,
we find our contentment and strength in Him,
no matter the circumstances.
But more than contentment, Jesus died to redeem us from the pit and to give us an eternal perspective that helps us to look past any and every circumstance, so that we might know joy. And the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh 8:10).
Belonging to Christ provides for us A Simpler Joy. Life is a lot simpler when we lay down our burdens: our striving, our expectations, and our grief. When we rest in Him, we see that there is peace in the quietness, and we can joy in the simple things. [Jesus said] “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt 11:28-29).
So for the rest of the month of October, I will be exploring #ASimplerJoy. Won’t you join me?
Day Two – Family Schedules
Day Three – Refrigerator Organization
Day Four – Fall Decoration
Day Five – Creative Process