Dream Team

A Girl Just Needs to Whine Every Now and Again!

8.1.2012 153I am generally a rule follower but right now I don’t want to be. When Holley posed our question for this week I just wanted to run away from it. She asked:

What’s a typical day in your life like right now? How can you see God’s hand in the middle of the “small” and ordinary too?

I am a firm, firm, and firm some more believer that God is in everything and in the midst of any mess God has a lesson learned for us. But there are numerous times in my ordinary schedule that I avoid seeking Him. And it hurts my heart that I do it.

My ordinary schedule is nothing to complain about in the world picture.

5:30 a.m. – Wake-up and Pin God 1st

6ish – Get dressed and ready for work.

7ish – Prep the kids breakfast, pack up car, tackle emails and social media while I wait for the kids to wake.

7:30 – Wake the kids if they aren’t awake and get them dressed. Insert frustration moment #1 because the kids are unhappy to be wakened and shuffled out the door.

8:00 – Pull out of drive way feeling flustered because of the above.

8:30 – Arrive at church/work. Get the kids dropped off in their classrooms and usually deal with one or both children holding on tight and not wanting me to go. Insert frustration moment #2 because I have to leave them but at the same time I am in work mode and the kids are feeling my annoyance that I need to go.

9-5ish p.m. – I have meetings, write scripts, plan crafts, think through operations and logistics, plan large events, deal with any conflict management, eat junk I shouldn’t, chat with other staff, and let’s be honest I check Pinterest and facebook once or twice.

5:15 – I go pick up my kids. Insert frustration moment #3 This SHOULD be WOO HOO time!!! But this is really where my God goggles get foggy! It never fails that when I pick them up they are little grumps. Sure I get the initial excited “Mommy!” when I walk in but then it turns to whines, and picking, and wanting a snack I didn’t bring. I am already tired from my day and I know they too are tired but THIS just wears on me. By the time we get home a half hour later all claws are out. It is not pretty!

6 – 8:30 – Prepare dinner, bath time, Bible reading, 12 minute clean up, and any next day prep I can.

9:00 – Share prayer time with my husband and then begin work on my God Size Dream of Cravings.

11ish – Head to bed in utter exhaustion.

So now that I feel like I have just let out one loud WHINE! Let me say

I know God is in every giggle that brings me joy,
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God is in the teaching moments,
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God is in the time my husband takes with the kids so I can have some “me” time while I prep dinner.
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God is in their lives because they are gifts from Him.
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Gifts, I say! But, I do pray for the day when our schedule is our own.

Amen and Amen.

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