How to Add Intentionality To Your Days
After a rip roaring fun vacation last week we are now in full “Back to School” mode. While my kiddos grew up in the preschool that was on campus where I worked we have never had to “be on time”, pack lunches, get in carpool lines,etc… So we have spent this week practicing. Silly as that may sound I don’t want Monday morning to be stressed so we are figuring out the kinks this week.
As we prepare I wanted to share this post from my Summer of Joy partner, Britta Lafont. We are in the process of teaming up again on the idea of creating intentionality in our seasons. We are still fine tuning so till then enjoy her “Back To School” Bucket List
New life. New stuff. New school year. And this old girl, learning new tricks. I am so excited to be teaming up with two fun blogger friends, Carey Bailey and Melissa Blair for what we are calling the “Bucket Brigade,” a fun way to pursue intentional living and community. We will have a year of Bucket Lists, one for each season. How fun!
We are still in the planning stages, but we will be asking our friends, families, other bloggers, and readers to join us before too long. It is really exciting that some of you have already told me about wanting to be a part of this – so hang tight, it’s coming! For now, please post in the comments something, anything, that you intend to pursue or change this year. :)
And, without further delay…[drumroll please]…my Back to School Bucket List:
First, for me personally, three BIG things:
- Keep my priorities in this order:
- The Lord. My husband. My children. Other family and friends.
- Work out and eat right.
- Ministries where I play a role: writing, leading Bible study, and hospitality (hubby’s a deacon at church).
- Have more discipline in my schedule.
- Batch my work and work smarter, not harder.
- Spread out tasks I dislike and do little bits at a time
- Abide by clear boundaries for social media, phone calls, doctor’s appointments and other interruptions in our school day.
- Just…MORE JOY! Remembering the Lord’s goodness to me, His wisdom in my life, and His power over everything keeps my heart in a quiet, restful and optimistic place. Taking negative thoughts captive can be a moment to moment process for me – how about you?
I started with ME because I can serve my family best out of my own abundance. When I try to give, from an empty place, I just can’t do it. It’s like how the flight attendant reminds you to get your oxygen mask on first, before you try to help someone else with theirs…sometime we feel that we just. Run. Out. Of. Air. Whether you are trying to serve at church, or invest yourself more at work, or love on your family…you need to breathe deep, girl. Me too. <deep breath happening here>
Then, for my husband and homeschooled kids:
- Schedule fun at home. I tend to focus on the tasks. I can be the no-fun mom and I want to be a memory-making mom. We are planning to do:
- Less TV and more games
- Cook together
- Learning new dance moves from Youtube!
- Have more discipline in our schedule. The kids do well during the mornings and with their school. But this summer, their bedtime has fluctuated by 30 to 45 minutes every night. I want to help the kids learn to get their bedtime routine done early and to pay attention to the clock on their own. Time management is important and can be developed.
- Schedule fun outside the home. We found some room in our schedule by stepping away from a homeschool commitment. We will use that time to:
- Meet Dad for lunch.
- Go to the zoo monthly.
- Get to the park near our house weekly.
- Days trips and a few mini vacations.
So, tell me about how the Lord’s NEW MERCY is moving you to a better place. What NEW thing is happening? And what’s on your Bucket List?