All I Want for Christmas (& Forever)
Time is a precious commodity. I cannot believe how quickly the days and weeks roll by. There is so much I want to accomplish, and most of my list is really good: clean the house, write a blog post, laundry, sew some bunting, have neighbors and friends over for dinner, organize my freezer, call friends and have lengthy conversations, meet and know all of my neighbors, exercise, bake, attend classes, volunteer… I mean really. I could keep going, but I don’t feel like I have the time.
If I could ask and receive for anything this Christmas, it would be the gift of more time. (I promise I’m not speeding past Thanksgiving – more to come!)
Life will not slow on its own. I have to be mindful of the days and hours I’m given. In the midst of baking and holiday preparations, I have to tell myself to slow down and declare thanks for each moment. I have to remind myself not to wish these days away- believing somehow that living will be easier, cleaner, or more spacious in the future.
Life is messy in all its parts. The days will run into months if we don’t take time to pause. If we long for God to fill in our gaps, we must give Him space to move and be.
This year, may I suggest a gift for all of us?
“Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10, AMP
God’s answer for our busy schedules, constant striving, and stress-induced insomnia is simple. Be. Just Be.
Be rested.
Be known.
Be filled.
Carey Bailey and I have a dream to gift women just that. A weekend retreat to step away from the striving and to step into being present.
Here’s the heart behind With Joy Retreats…
With Joy from Ginger Ciminello on Vimeo.
Thanks for taking the time to watch and share. I so hope to see some of you in attendance April 10-12, 2015. The Chapel Rock Camp and Conference Center is gorgeous and we are hard at work pulling together an incredible team and intentional sessions for our first retreat. For more information or to register, follow this link to the With Joy Retreat website.
Ginger Ciminello may sound like an Italian dessert but she’s actually a speaker and blogger from Phoenix, Arizona. Her first book,”Forget the Corsage,” was released last year. She communicates through story-telling and dramatic narrative and has spent the last decade encouraging women to live up to their God-given potential and unique design.