Crafts/Printables, Pin God 1st

April Printables!

April slider

Thank you for your prayers and support while I was on the blog Hope adventure. Honestly, as much as I had mentally prepared for the re-entry to be hard it is even harder than I was hoping. My husband calls me daily to check on me. I think he fears I have fallen asleep and the kids are coloring on the walls.

I have a few more posts in me about the journey but I need to be able to stay awake long enough in the evening to actually get them written. Crossing my finger for that to happen one of these days.

We continue the journey to the cross in April with our daily reading plan. As I read the story of Jesus I always sit in awe and wonder. What an incredible sacrifice that is too big for words but also what faith  it takes on our part to believe it. I am thankful that I allow Jesus life and death to be real to me so that I can know a love called grace. I try to never take that for granted. I am thankful I was raised on Jesus, thankful for the ways I have been brought closer to Him, and thankful to be sharing Him with my children.

Pin God 1st

April Pin God 1st Slider

The goal of Pin God 1st is to help you choose God over social media in your day. Read the assignment each day BEFORE you allow yourself on any social media apps. Get the back story on why and how Pin God 1st got started here.

April 2014  Pin God 1st Plan

Download here or from Google Drive here.

 Printable Memory Verse

Single of verse

April Memory Verse

Download from here or from  Google Drive here.