July Printables
What? It is July!!!!
July means I only have one month and a few days before my little man enters Kindergarten. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…Sorry, I have mini mama freak out moments when I think too hard about it.
July. July equals lots of happy, happy in our house! 2 family vacation, a planning retreat for a new adventure you will hear more about, and space camp for the above mentioned little guy.
July also means Britta Lafont and I are continuing are Summer of Joy series. I am having so much fun with it but I must say the Spotify playlist has been my favorite part. It is on ALL the time…like as I type this.
Quick Links:
Bookmarks . Spotify Playlist . Memory Verses. Quiz . Pinterest Board
This past week I sent my kiddos to Vacation Bible School at a church up the street. It was a totally selfish move on my part. I simply wanted a few hours to tackle some organization projects around the house. But, what was selfish for me turned out awesome for them. They love, love, loved it. It made this former Family Life Director so happy to watch their minds come to life with all that they were hearing and learning about Jesus. We are consistent Bible reading, prayer saying, offering giving, Jesus talking people in our house so it was so fascinating to see that simply changing it up a bit for them brought new energy to their relationship with God.
Hmmmm…how can we apply that to ourselves? How can we use July to bring ourselves a bit more energy when it comes to our God time?
If you read the Bible on your phone maybe try flipping the pages in the hardback version.
If you use the NIV translation maybe try The Message.
If you say your prayers in your head maybe speak them out loud.
If you are struggling to keep focus while you pray maybe try Praying in Color.
Do something to shake it up a bit.
I am going to change my “spot”. Ya know, that place where I ALWAYS do my reading. I can’t want to see how just a fresh perspective shifts things for me.
How about you. How do you want to change things up a little?
1. Pin God 1st
The goal of Pin God 1st is to help you choose God over social media in your day. Read the designate scripture reading each day BEFORE you allow yourself on any social media apps. Get the back story on why and how Pin God 1st got started here.
We are trying out a bookmark format for July. I am curious what you think? I have enjoyed being able to easily stick it in my Bible. Let me know what you think.
Download June 29 – July 19th & July 20th – August 2nd here or from Google Drive here.
2. Printable Memory Verses
Cut them out and tape them up in places you frequent like the side of your computer, above your tooth brush holder, on your microwave, on your steering wheel, etc…
Download the memory verse here or from Google Drive here.