Pin God 1st

June Pintables and Pin God 1st Calendar

June Slider

June. June I say…is here. Oh my goodness.

For me that equals 110-120 degree temps in Phoenix, Arizona. You do everything you can to stay inside or be in water. And that is saying a lot for me since I don’t even like water.  But enough about our heat woes let me get to the good stuff.

Here are your June helpers.

Your June To-Do List



Download from here or from Google Drive

Your Memory Verse Cards



Download here or from Google Drive


Your Pin God 1st Calendar


June PGF Slider 2

June Pin God 1st Calendar


Download here or from Google Drive.

I have to confess I had a day I slipped on my Pin God 1st. I was sad about it. I don’t even know what came over me but all of the sudden I found myself on Pinterest before my Bible reading. When I realized I verbally yelled “YIKES!” I think my kids thought there was a scorpion in the house. I quickly grabbed my Bible and headed in for His goodness. Whoopsie daisy!

Pin God 1st is our opportunity to choose God over social media BEFORE we check updates, tweets, pins, or instagram we check in with God. This month we are going to read 1 Peter. There are a lot of rich reminders in this book and I look forward to reading it with you. Some days we only read one verse because there is so much packed into the words. Get ready!!

Here are three ideas for spreading Pin God 1st:

1. Share this link on facebook and tag five moms to join you.

2. Post it to one of your Pinterest boards.

3. Instagram a picture of your calendar or a verse you read and tag the picture with #PinGod1st.