Let the Advent Planning Begin!
Yesterday I claimed my desire to live the next 8 weeks with intention.
- Choosing Christ
- Planning ahead
- & Letting go as needed
I told ALL of you about it so guess what that means? I am surrounded by accountability. LOVE it!
I started thinking about our Bible reading plan for Advent. For years I have used this Advent devotional: Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Henri J.M. Nouwen: Daily Scripture and Prayers together with Nouwen’s Own Words. And while I have always gotten something new from it each year I started thinking I wanted to craft something unique for us. I want to create something that will meet us in the midst of motherhood and how we relate to the birth of a precious baby. So I went on a search for resources and just had to share this one I found in the November Sales and Monthly Specials
at DaySpring. I am a fan! It is hard to beat the 60% off thing!
Beside Cravings {The Devotional} it might be worth the splurge. I plan on having us an Advent reading plan by the end of next week. I am thinking bookmark style? Any other helpful formats you can think of?
P.S. –
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