My Pinterest fail that is now family.
* I was offline last week and didn’t get a chance to share this guest post on Not Quite Amish.
While I have never had dinner with an Amish family my mind imagines their meal time functions as this beautifully well oiled machine that hums. Oh, how I wish this was the picture of my family meals. I work outside the home and typically get home past 6:00 p.m. and I am tired. Not only am I tired but my kids are also tired from a full day at preschool and my husband is tired from a long day at work. Add hunger to that and the picture is not pretty. But a recent Pinterest “fail” of mine swooped in as our meal time superhero.
Meet the Thankful Turkey.
For the conclusion of this riveting super hero tale head over to Not Quite Amish where I am a regular contributor.