Pin God 1st

November Pin God 1st : Love Idol Edition

November Pin God 1st

Last Spring I read a life giving book called Love Idol by Jennifer Dukes Lee.

In fact it is on my “must read yearly” book list because it reminds the recovering perfectionist in me that  “life is not a one-act play, and I don’t have the energy anymore for rehearsed performances. I have accepted the lead role in my very own reality show. It is called life and it’s all improv. No scripts allowed.” (pg 137 Love Idol )

Good stuff, huh?

As the holidays approach it can be easy to fall into the trap of finding your worth and values in all that you do, produce, and create rather than living in the truth that “life in grace is about a Savior, not gold stars on a chart.” (p 136 Love Idol)

I thought what better way to enter this season of table decorating, lots of cooking, gift giving than to keep our mind centered on the truth through the scriptures referenced in Love Idol.

Meet Pin God 1st: Love Idol Edition

Just a reminder that the goal is to do your reading before you check any form of social media. If we have some minutes to spare for pinning and status updates then we have some minutes for God. Amen!?

November 1-15November 16-30



I use a technique called praying the scriptures (Lectio Divina) when reading. Here is a sheet that can walk you through that process. It can take a bit to getting used to reading it 3 times in 3 different ways but once you practice you will begin to feel like there is no other way.

Lectio Divina - Helper Sheet


P.S. – It has been a long time since I have done a give a way around this blog so I am excited to link arms with a bunch of ladies to provide something fun, fun for you! Get entered to win ALL these goodies!


Kayse giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • Kayse is giving away a collection of Martha Stewart Office items!
  • Britta is giving away a ConAir Power Facial Cleanser!
  • Jennifer is giving away a “Be Still” print!
  • Monica is giving away a Let It Go (by Karen Ehman) Study Pack!
  • Erika is giving away a super cute coffee cozy of your choice!
  • Carey (that’s me!!) is giving away Cravings, a daily devotional for moms!
  • Kristin is giving away 2 books by Angie Smith – For Such A Time As This & Audrey Bunny!
  • Anna is giving away a candle, tea, and chocolate!
  • Bethany is giving away a Ginger & Lime Sugar Scrub & a 5ml bottle of Wild Orange Essential Oil!
  • Jamie is giving away a Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook!
  • Amanda is giving away a framed print and a $10 gift card to Starbucks!
  • Leeann is giving away a set of linen notecards!