5 Tips to creating Resolutions with Resolve.
Monthly I hang out on Not Quite Amish and host a series called “Ask a Life Coach.” As a certified Life Coach and contributor at NQA I respond to readers questions. I thought this month’s question was just too good not to re-post here.
E.W. asks:
Each year I am determined to set goals or some might call them resolutions but every year only a few months into the year I find myself failing and then I give up. Any suggestions?
A new year smells like a new car, a freshly clean fridge, hair blown out by a salon. It feels alive with promise and possibility and most people use it as a time to make resolutions and goal set. But just as a new car gets rained on, a clean fridge gets spilled in, and hair gets greasy resolutions and goals can lose their mojo.
Can you relate? As E.W. mentions we often reach February or maybe even January 6th and have allowed the promises we made for the year to become yesterday’s news? But there is hope.
As a Life Coach I work with women who desire to see change in their lives and there are five strategies we use in our partnership for creating resolutions with real resolve.
1. Know Your Values.
When we make choices and decisions based on the values we hold close to our heart we are more likely to achieve follow through. If I asked you what are your top 3 to 5 values what would you say? Write them down. If you aren’t sure what you value then ask someone close to you. What do they say? Compare the lists and see what makes the top five.
2. List Your Hopes & Dreams.
Once you decide on your top five values give each one of your values a hopes and dreams list. When you think about each value what is it that you desire to have, do, or be with this value? If you value family then what is it that you want to do in 2014 that shows value to your family? What is it that you hope your family will be in 2014? What is something you desire your family to have in 2014? List everything you can think of. Don’t hold back. Dream far and wide. This becomes your “master” list for the year.
3. Plan Your Priorities.
Now it is time for some fun! Looking at your master list you are going to pick no more than five (personally I suggest three) and name them as your priorities for the next ninety days. Think about the next ninety days in your life. What is realistic? You want to set yourself up for success. Once you have selected your top five write each one on a note card and get ready to give them a sense of definition.
4. Name the How.
On the note card state the how. How are you going to reach success with your priority in the next 90 days? Spell it out in bullet points on your note card.
If your marriage is a priority and you want to have the experience of attending a marriage retreat then the how might be calling your local church, searching online, talking to friends, or it might include talking to your spouse to see what a good time of year would be for them.
5. Create Accountability.
Last but not least create accountability for yourself and your priorities. Place your note cards in places you frequent, get a dry erase marker and write them on your bathroom mirror, or make a bookmark with your priorities and put it in your Bible. The idea is to do something that keeps them readily in front of you. Next, who can you share your Priority Plan with? Mark 90 days on your calendar. Set a reminder to go off in your phone. If you complete your plan then celebrate. If there is something that needs continued work and effort than reevaluate your how and head back out on another 90 days till you reach victory.
My hope and prayer is that you have as many WINS as possible in 2014. Personally, I am working on my Priority Plan that was set in November and I have two I am flat out failing at. One being consistency and one being patience. So I thought we could walk through creating consistency as a priority together. Anyone else have a desire for that in their life?
P.S. – I would be so thankful if you would grab the brand new e-version of Cravings {The Devotional}. All proceeds support my trip to Africa with Soul Hope in March. Only $3.99!