Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting, Tips & Tricks
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Craving Rest, Craving Time, Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting, Summer of Joy
5 Feelings Every Mom Goes Through During the Summer and How to Cope
The best time of year for kids is sometimes one of the most overwhelming for moms. You veteran moms know what I’m talking about: summer break. The time when kids celebrate their freedom from school by saying, “I’m bored, Mom!” every five minutes. When you still have work to do but less time to ...
Craving Rest, Motherhood/Parenting, Soul Care, Summer of Joy
#SoulCare — Family Friendly Playlists for Your Summer Roadtrip Music
Raise your hand if you love and dread family road trips! With summer break coming up, it’s time for many of us to pile into SUVs and minivans with kids, more bags and snacks than a well-stocked Target, and destinations with names like “Ocean City” and “Grandma’s House.” Even though these trips ...
Craving Time, Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting
Give Your Wife Gifts of Relaxation and Time this Mother’s Day
This one is for you, men! Some of you are great gift-selectors. Others feel a sense of dread every time Mother’s Day comes around: What will I get her? What does she want? What does she need? Chances are, your sweet wife — or your own mother — has a life that’s full to the brim. She has a full ...
Craving Rest, Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting, Prayer/Prayer Requests
Craving Rest? Take a Deep Breath and Find Peace
One of my favorite things about working with women is empowering them to build time into their schedules to spend with God. In the hustle and bustle of life, we sometimes need to be reminded that what we really need is Jesus — not a better reputation, or nicer kids, or a thriving business, or a ...
Crafts/Printables, Holiday Priority Planning, Lent/Easter, Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting
Christian Crafts for Easter to Teach About the Resurrection
Easter is coming up, and as any of you who follow along here know, I love a good art or craft project. There’s just something about creating and working with your hands that is good for the soul! It makes you pause and focus on something that’s not social media, entertainment or (let’s face it) ...
Crafts/Printables, Craving Time, Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting, Soul Care
#SoulCare – How to Spring Break Mommy Style
Ladies, of the world, it’s time to “get away” for some #soulcare … Spring Break-style. And yes, even if you’re staying home with the kids it is possible. Think simple, intentional, daily choices that bring your heart joy. You may not be traveling to Cancun but there are ways you can bring ...
Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting, Sole Hope, Soul Care
5 Benefits to Having a Strong Women’s Network
Are you a part of your local women’s church group? If the answer to that question is no, then it’s time you became part of one. Women are some of the most wonderful and powerful of God’s creations. Do you want to know what happens when we get together? AMAZING things. I don’t know what I’d do ...
Got something ugly to say? Zip your lips!
I was made fun of as a kid and it was hurtful. I can recall the time when someone made fun of my nose in the 5th grade and when someone made fun of my glasses in the 3rd grade. Shoot, I would make fun of this all matching 1985 Esprit outfit. Words do damage. But when I was made fun of by 3 ...
Motherhood/Parenting, Pin God 1st, Sole Hope
The Philippians 2:14 Challenge
I hope I don’t scare you too much with this information but I don’t spend too much time planning our Pin God 1st reading plan. I have the calendar for the year mapped out through prayer and unless I get clear direction to move or shift I stick with it. This month I was told to move. ...