.99 cents Sends This Mama to Africa
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I am a sucker for sales how about you???
So we are putting the e-version of Cravings {The Devotional} on the sale rack for a limited time!
.99 cents! .99 cents will get you God time on-the-go and it will get me a few cents closer to the financial support I need to go to Africa with Soul Hope on March 10th!
Wondering where an extra .99 cents is? Check your junk drawer, underneath the kids car seats, in the purse you tossed in the closet last week…just a few ideas.
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I just know that you are one of the kindest, nicest, sweetest mamas out there and that you want to share this super awesome sale with other mamas so please don’t hesitate to tweet this, facebook it, but best yet pick 10 friends and email the link to them directly!!!
Send a mama to Africa for .99 cents! {Tweet That}
Cravings {The Devotional} on sale for .99 cents! {Tweet That}
God time on-the-go AND send a mama to help #SoulHope!{Tweet That}