Advent/Christmas, Dear God Letters

Dear God, I think I might be too old?


Dear God,

I read Mary’s words and hope beyond hope that I am as open, attentive, and as willing as she was.

She was so young and sometimes I wonder if age has jaded me…has it made me think too much about the risks you want me to leap into rather than tip toe into?

I hold onto Mary’s story and ultimately His story knowing that our stories may not always look like or feel like WE want them to but that You have created life as a journey and along that journey will be lesson learned, hurts experienced, and expectations dashed. But in the end there is love. Love that came down in the form of a baby to take all my mistakes and soak them in so that I can simply try, try again.

God, thank you for every ounce of Your Son’s story. It has taught me so much and it reminds me of my place. I am Your servant…here to be Your hands and feet on earth.
