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Dear God Letters
God, I can do this better than you.
God, 30 days. In 30 days I head out on my adventure with Soul Hope. Exciting, huh? Um. I guess. I am sure that is how I am supposed to feel. How do you feel? I feel like I am fighting fear. Fear of what? Fear of death. What? You know you could die at any point in any day, right? I do. But there ...
Dear God, How do I explain makeup?
God, Avery comes in as I am putting on make-up and every time she asks me “why?” What do you say? The first time I ALMOST said because it makes you pretty. But thankfully I stopped! Why? That is not what I want her to hear or think. I don’t want her to think that make-up is what makes her ...
Dear God, I feel like a slacker.
God, Well I have done it. I have gone and messed up. Don’t you hate that? You see I released my e-devotional a few weeks ago in an effort to raise funds for my trip to Africa with Soul Hope. They are funds that I honestly need to raise. Well, I don’t need to tell you that you see my bank ...
Dear God Letters, Dream Team, Life Coaching, Motherhood/Parenting
Letting Go.
This week it is finally time for me to let go. After over ten years of full time church ministry with my current church the day has come for me to “retire” from this vocation I was called to twenty five years ago. People keep asking me why I am saying “retire” when I will still be working. It ...
God, Do you happen to own a magic wand?
God, Yes, Carey! I feel like I have been doing an awful lot of talking AT you but not as much listening. … Are you there? Of course I am here. I don’t go anywhere. Okay. Well did you hear me? I just said I am listening. You are. But I feel like you are waiting for me to tell you ...
Un-burying the Dream
God, I am wondering what happened to me? What do you mean? I can hardly see myself or I should say the self I enjoy seeing. Go on. I have lost the brave, bold, daring, try anything me. I have lost the me that was confident enough to send 15 publishers proposal out into the world and play the ...
Advent/Christmas, Dear God Letters
Dear God, I think I might be too old?
Dear God, I read Mary’s words and hope beyond hope that I am as open, attentive, and as willing as she was. She was so young and sometimes I wonder if age has jaded me…has it made me think too much about the risks you want me to leap into rather than tip toe into? I hold onto ...
God, do you get sad?
God, Do you ever get sad? Or saddened? Daily. Constantly. Watching My children hurt, watching them hurt each other, and watching them hurt themselves is saddening. What do you do about it? Why? Why are you asking? Because I have just been in a sad place myself. It is not a familiar place for ...
God, Ann Voskamp is in my head.
Ann Voskamp – One Thousand Gifts “Inside I am feeling raw and discouraged. I am trying to be it all. Not enough of me to go around. Am I making the right decisions? Am I doing anything well? Do you see me? Do you want to use me at all?” – Ann Voskamp (Allume 2012 ...