
Me. Minus the cute hat and pretty smile.

Can you say tired little girl?

I had every intention of returning us back to our look at the book Revolutionary Parenting by George Barna but instead you are going to meet me. The me that throws up on paper and calls it journaling, the me that gets bitten by worry, the me that tries really hard but doesn’t have it figured out. I hope this me that is void of a cute hat and a pretty smile still works for you.

I have been so excited for these days.
So excited for the blog tour, the giveaway, the radio interviews, and the video. The excitement has been building for me.
Many of the late nights I pull have been about thistime. But here I sit feeling an overwhelming amount of pressure.
PRESSURE. The kind that can cause something to burst.
For two days I have been staring at a guest post that is due NOW and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to close it. How does it end? God, how does it end? I need You to write it for me.
I have been so worried if the new people peeking in on Cravings are going to like me? Are the new likes and follows JUSTabout the giveaway? Are the positive reviews of Cravings {The Devotional} real or are they just being nice?  
I know, I know, and I know the rules! God, You don’t want me to worry or fear. You want me to rejoice in this! It IS exciting. I get it!!!! But here I sit, overly human! Human and wondering how to get it all done?  
All I really want is to be helpful. I want to help spread the love of Christ, I want to help a mama who feels discouraged today, I want to assist a mom in connecting to God when they feel overwhelmed, and I want to live into the person who You have asked me to be. That is it pretty simple, right?
So what am I to do?
1. Take a deep breath…2. Ask Jesus for help… 3. And stay calm. (Thanks, CF!)
Let’s see if it works. 
These might prove helpful for your day: Mama Helpers, Printable May To-Do List