Mega Helpful Announcement from With Joy Retreats.
We are so excited that you are so excited to attend With Joy Retreats first event, BE happening in April 2015.
Ginger and I are already blown away by the fact that what we had planned as a local Arizona gathering has women from three states signed up AND women from two other states that have been in contact and are crossing their fingers that it becomes a reality. What? Someone remind me to stop putting God in a box!
Happy, happy joy!!!
We also 100% understand that it is a tough time of the year to come up with $250.00 for the registration fee no matter how great a cause it is so our team put our heads together and think we have come up with a helpful option that will allow you to secure your slot in a timely manner.
Introducing the….
With this payment plan you can make a $125.00 deposit to secure your spot and have till the end of March 2015 to save for the remainder due. Helpful, right? You will be invoiced for the additional $125.00 in mid March and will need to be able to pay that invoice no later than March 31, 2015. Also, just a friendly reminder that the deposit amount of $125.00 is non-refundable and registration will still close February 1, 2015. We wish we could keep it open later but that is the date we are required to turn in final numbers to Chapel Rock Conference Center.
As you begin to wrap up 2014 and if you are anything like me your mind in already thinking about 2015 in lots of way I hope you will prayerfully consider locking in your place at this retreat. Make plans now to step away from the striving and into being present. Grant yourself the gift of rest in 2015.