4 Questions That Bring Purpose to your Everyday.
Hello to 2015 & hello to a new day!
I took two weeks off from coaching but had every intention of doing some behind the scenes work like getting Pin God 1st up, refreshing pictures and fixing the zillion broken links that happened when I launched the new site and guess what? NONE of that happened. Instead I watched 6 maybe 7 movies that aren’t designed for kiddo eyes. I seriously think that is more movies than I had seen in 2013 and 2014 combined. I discovered that Friends, all TEN seasons, is on Netflix and I watched and giggled and snorted LOTS. I read, cooked, cleaned out a few things, went to the snow, celebrated my 8th wedding anniversary, had lots of family time and ate more than I wanted. It was good. It felt lazy but good.
As January 1st inched closer I watch the resolutions, goals and words of the year pop up in the social media world. They made me think, reflect and wonder if I should but my heart knows I shouldn’t. I lived there for a long time. I was always looking ahead, dreaming of the future, plotting and planning how to get where I wanted to go but then I stopped and simply started being present where I am. It is a much better place for my recovering perfectionist mind to live. As my ministry partner would say I had to step away from the striving and into being present.
So while I don’t goal set or resolution make I do ask myself 4 questions. I ask them daily but I write down my hopes for them monthly.
What do you want to do?
Who do you want to be?
What do you want to have?
How do you want to create?
I take these four question and line them up with my values of faith, family, friends, balance and creativity and see what comes up. Sometimes the responses stay the same, especially if I haven’t made any movement from the month prior and sometimes they shift as the circumstances change.
Who do you want to be?
Most of the time my response is I want to be someone that loves God and reflects Jesus and then other times my daily response my might be I want to be a better daughter, I want to be bold, I want to be brave or I want to be a listener. Make sense?
I want to assure you that they aren’t always super deep. For example my answer to “What do you want to have?” right now is I want to have an organized life. Simple and task oriented but not that easy to accomplish for someone who can not figure out how to keep the top of her desk clean.
In the end it needs to be what works for you and what keeps you propelled in a forward in motion. If you have already found yourself in a place of disappointment this year with whatever goals or resolutions you have set I would encourage you to simply step back and look at each day for what it is. New, filled with mercy and ready and waiting for you to live out with God at your side.
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”
2 Corinthians 4:16
P.S. – We are a few weeks away from the registration deadline for With Joy Retreats. Boogie on over and get yourself signed up! We have payment plan options and gift certificates too.