Summer of Joy

Summer Joy For Big Kids!

Church camp 1982

Church camp 1982

As a kid I anticipated summer! Well I should say I didn’t look forward to the Texas humidity but as the end of the school year wound down the countdown to summer joy began. I found myself looking forward to:

  • Summer camp
  • Family road trips
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Orange juice popsicles
  • Staying up later
  • Extra time in the day to pretend I was a dress designer,adoption worker, or school teacher.

You? What brought you excitement in the summer?

Here we are…today…BIG people. With summer sitting on our door step I am wondering do you find yourself excited? Or are you simply cranking out summer joy for those around you? We may be older now but guess what? We are still children of God, Amen?!!!

The truth is joy is more than an emotion. It is a choice. Joy is allowing the Holy Spirit, who lives in you, permission to stir up emotions in you and through you because you know Jesus Christ.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

This summer I am partnering with Writer, Britta Lafont to bring you a fully loaded joy tool box. It will support you in a quest to dance through life with joy that comes from The Lord.

Starting June 2nd there will be an activity idea bookmark coupled with a daily Bible reading bookmark (ready now!) and so many other fun surprises. Together these tools will guide you in cultivating joy so that you can reflect Jesus not just in your summer but all year!

summer of joy final

I am super excited about this! See you back here Monday with all the goodies.

Summer of Joy flower graphic from We Live Happily Ever After.