Dream Team

Take that…and that…and that Fear!

my 4

Michael Yaconelli – Dangerous Wonder

Hello Fear!

Meet NINJA Carey! (insert cool ninja sound effect)

I am done with you. Done!

You get no.more.of.me!!!

I let you in.

I let you steal and rob.

I gave you an ear.

I let you manipulate.

And now…now you are shunned, outcast, and ninja kicked! SMACK…take that!

I am done acting like a disciple in a boat in the midst of a storm.

Guess what, Fear? I got Jesus with me.

He is all powerful, all knowing, and 10 billion times more exciting than you!

He has the ability to calm the storm with His spoken word.

He believes in me. He has plans for. He sees me as a winner and a warrior for Him.

Fear, you have been the reigning controller lately and now I am saying “step off!”

Feel free to challenge me, push me, and underestimate me. It won’t matter to me because…

“The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid.” Psalm 118: