Choices, Life Coaching

Ushering in FORTY TWO well.

I have a birthday coming in less than two months. I actually had to do the math to remember how old I am going to be. Seriously??? I will be 42.  F O R T Y  T W O ! At one point I would have thought that was old but now it doesn’t feel that way. It feels like there is plenty of life to be lived and I am sure having two little people helps. The thing about having a 5 and 7 year old is I want to be thriving and not just surviving as they grow up. For me that means staying on top of my health and not being a fuddy duddy, grumpy old mom. Who wants to be that? NOT me.

What I know about myself and healthy eating and exercise is that I need accountability and a system otherwise I am left to my own devices which really just wants to be eating mac & cheese, fish sticks and ice cream. After two years of trying out various health programs I can now say with confidence I have found what works for me and what I can fully recommend.

Beachbody. BBAltSigsmall

I have heard about it for along time but didn’t dig too deep into it because the name annoyed me. Beachbody. I have no aspirations of wearing a tiny bikini or looking like Gisele Bundchen so it just didn’t appeal to me. But some girlfriends encouraged me to try the 21 Day Fix program with them. I trust these friends and knew I was in need of some accountability so I gave it a shot. And guess what? I liked it. Like, a lot. It has now been over 2 months and I am still trucking along. This feels sustainable.

I like the 21 Day fix containers which truthfully I thought would be kinda dumb. Couldn’t I use simple measuring cups? For some reason these colored containers really help me keep my portions in check. P.S. – They looks super tiny but magically fit lots of food. It is like a clown car or something.


I did the workouts mostly because I knew my friends would be checking on me and I wanted to tell them “Yes! I did it.” but then CIZE came out and BAM I was in a happy, happy place. It doesn’t even feel like exercise. It feels like I am back in Junior High learning a jump rope routine. So fun!

I tell you all of these because I am excited. I am. I am excited to have something that is working for me and doesn’t feel like a chore of pill taking craziness that I can’t keep up with. I am excited to have something simple that focuses on healthy eating and exercise which is the key to it all.

I am telling you all this today because the team I am using to help stay on track is offering a 5 day “clean & lean” starting Monday. No gimmicks. I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to get tracking in the right direction. I promise they simply want to surround and encourage you with whatever your health goals might be. You can sign up here. P.S. – If you sign up you are entered to win the Fixate Cookbook. I really want it because I hear it is amazing.

If you have questions or want more information please let me know. I enjoy the health coaching I do as a life coach and am thankful this lines up with eat right and move more!