With Joy Retreats

We Promise to Be Inspractical.


One year ago I was sitting around twiddling my thumbs and wondering what to do about the nudge God had given me to invite my friend Ginger Ciminello to launch a Women’s Retreat.

Today we are 17 days away from registration closing for the 2015 With Joy Retreats, BE. Ahhhhhhhh!!! I couldn’t be more excited and nervous but mostly excited!

I had thoughts, words and visions dancing around in my head in 2014 about what this experience could look like and now that is coming into reality.Take a look at this video about the weekend.

{if reading via email you may need to click over to watch the video}

Whew!!! This little thing I thought would serve women in Arizona is actually serving women from Texas, Georgia, California, and Arizona. How about you? Do you need a weekend to simply be?


I would never in my wildest dreams profess to be the best retreat out there but I hope you don’t mind if I take a minute and tell you why I believe we are unique.

1. We will be Intentionally Small.

One of the first things that both Ginger and I said when we started brainstorming is that we want every women coming to have the opportunity to be known. You won’t be able to get lost in a crowd.  That helps someone like me who is a total introvert and extroverts should have no fear.  You will  be able to connect with EVERYONE.

Soon after you register you will receive a personal profile survey. In this survey you get to tell us about you. I have been to lots of retreats in my life but never seen anything like this done before. As your hosts we will know your highs and lows before you even get there. We are already praying for the attendees signed up and praying over the ones to come.  We are reading the profiles and using them to customize this retreat specific to the attendees. Our hope is that you will feel valued from the moment the Welcome to With Joy Retreats email hits your in-box.

2. We will be Inspractical. 

Inspirational + Practical =’s Inspractical

Ginger is going to be bringing you THE Word. And let me tell you this girl does a “knock the ball outta the park” job at that.  Then the Life Coach in me will swish up beside all the goodness and bring practical tools & ideas for applying the truth to your everyday life. We want you walking away from With Joy Retreats filled up but also equipped to be present in your everyday life knowing how to

“Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10

While we know you will have to come down from the mountain top we want you to be able to apply what you learned from the weekend in the midst of your full days. Sound good?

3. We will be present. 

Ginger and I have made a commitment to being present. A lot of times when you lead a retreat or speak at a conference you are only kinda surface present (just being real). Meaning you are there for your part and then you disappear. We are going to be in the thick of it with you and if we aren’t call us on it. We want to stay up late with you, get up early for a Labrynith walk, go on a hike, play with paint, doodle in our journals and look at stars in the night skies of Prescott. As a coach I want to be available for you to pull me aside and bounce ideas off of, I want to pray for you as an individual, I want to lift my voice in worship with you not simply next to you and so much more.

We went live with the breakout session descriptions this week and I wish I could take them! Check them out.

circle prayerKnowing God Through Prayer with Ginger Ciminello

The guilt often sets in: “I know I should pray much more than I do and I often feel as though everyone else prays more and enjoys it more than I do.” God invites us to pray. Jesus demonstrates how to pray. If prayer is something worth doing, then it is worth practicing. In this session, we aren’t seeking perfection, but rather avenues of communication with our Father. Join Ginger as you discover and practice various forms of prayer including prayer walks, praying in color, Lectino Divina, notecards, groups, journals, and much more.


Art CircleKnowing God Through Art  with Carey Bailey

As a recovering perfectionist, Carey will share her story of shredding the desire for a perfect life by teaching herself how to rest in the raw and real of God through art. In this breakout session she is inviting you to get your hands dirty! You will use paint, stamps, and paper to create cards that will serve as daily reminders for God’s truth in your life. No art experience is needed – we promise! Come, play, experiment, and discover what it looks like to enjoy the process of creating with freedom.

nature circleKnowing God Through Nature with Carrie Fay Amaro

If we are not careful, the beauty and vastness of the world surrounding us can become a blur. It can easily be covered up by to-do lists and expectations. Using her gifting as a professional photographer and avid adventurer, Carrie Fay will assist you in slowing down the pace as you discover God’s handiwork in the gifts around you. Bring your camera and capture the details of His creation in nature. No photography experience is needed. Hiking boots or tennis shoes are encouraged.

Seriously, this is going to be so much fun!  If you are already signed up YAY!!! I look forward to our time. If you are considering can I urge you to “go for it” and trust that God will work out the details. I have personally done that so many times and it is always so fun to watch God get busy.  REGISTER HERE.

Also, IF money happens to be your only obstacle please contact us, withjoyretreats {at} gmail.com

We want to do what we can to help make this happen for you.