What Daily Joys Will You Choose?
You did it!
You made it through Halloween and Thanksgiving. How are you? Are you feeling a little woozy or ready to go?
As you enter into December, what people deem as the busiest time of the year, do you feel ready?
With school performances, parties, travels, family visits, presents to buy and wrap and homes to decorate it can feel like we are constantly juggling instead of enjoying that this time that is meant as a space to create room and reflect on the celebration of King Jesus coming to earth…to be with us as our bridge home to God one day.
So how do we balance it all? For me, it is all about choosing daily simple joys along with checking the boxes that go with the Christmas to-do’s. Watch the video below to discover some tips and tricks on how to go about that.
If joining me via email click here to watch the video.
Little joys can be a wrestle for some of us. It can feel foreign. If that is you then I urge you to play.
What did you enjoy as a child? Bubbles, art supplies, sports, dolls, fabric, baths, friends, organizing or creative writing? The skies the limit here. Years ago I read The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. She encourages readers to take themselves on “Creative Dates”. This was so eye opening for me. I would take myself (yes, by myself) to the movies, to a park, to lunch, and one time I even took myself to a fancy department store and stood at the jewelry counter trying on all the sparkles I thought were pretty with absolutely no intention to buy. The process truly helped me learn how to play again and how to easily name my daily joys.
If naming your daily joys feels hard then I would encourage to try something new for 7 days and see if it sticks and brings you joy or if it is something you can pass on. The important thing is that you discover and remind your heart how God wired you to experience joy.
Also, don’t expect your joys to be the same as your best friends. You won’t find me anywhere near a mall in the next 4 weeks. The idea of it sounds painful but I know other people love the hustle and bustle of the mall right now. Be confident in what brings you joy and allow other people to have permission to live inside their own joys. Makes sense?
No matter what unexpected things a day might bring I know that for the next 30 days hot tea, Advent readings and good tunes are in my daily future. Those are daily joys that I can hold onto.
What will your daily joys be? Here is a printable to help you out.
To download you can right click on the image above or click here to download a PDF version.
Spotify Playlist: CLICK HERE
Good “Joy” Reads:
Finding Rest In The Christmas Rush
Welcoming Advent With Simplicity and Meaning
All The Things You Don’t Need For A Perfect Holiday
Miss any of the From Juggling to Joy series? Catch up here.