Life Coaching, Tips & Tricks

Balance. What is it and how do you get it?


October is my favorite month of the year. Mostly, because it is my birthday month and next because it is a month of calm before the holiday crazies kick in. That makes it an ideal time to talk about balance. What is it and how do you get it? There is a trend right now that says balance is impossible and unrealistic but I don’t believe that to be true. Balance is, in fact, one of my Soul Values. I have been wired by God to live a life in balance and when I am I am functioning at my very best.

What about you? Is balance something you find yourself craving and wishing was actually possible? If so, let’s journey through the what, why, and how together. Over the next four weeks, I will use the Tuesday Tips & Tricks videos to get you there. Are you ready? Take a look at this video and challenge number one and then let’s talk in the comments section.

If you are joining me via email click here to watch the video

Let’s review. Balance is…

Balance is not having a perfect day.

Balance is an even distribution of weight SO THAT you are steady.

For me, that equals living a so that life. What is it for you? What is your personal definition of balance? I would love to know.
