Sole Hope

Turning My Wishes into Blessings.


I am about to spend 13 days with my friend, and boss for Allume but we prefer the friend definition, Logan! We will be adventuring together with Sole Hope for #blogHope. We are kinda giddy about getting to spend this much time together.

So here is the deal with Logan. She is vivacious, dynamic, outgoing, and a risk taker. She speaks from her heart and she speaks her mind. She connects people, attracts people, and has zero fear of meeting people. She is dreamy! Everyone seems to know Logan or wants to know Logan and the cool thing is Logan wants to know you.

And then there is me. Naturally shy, reserved, a non-talker, and quite in groups especially strangers. So when I am with Logan in groups of people I can find myself feeling like a dorky 3rd wheel. I find myself wishing:

  • I was outgoing.
  • I was willing to meet strangers.
  • I could easily dive deep into conversation rather than dancing in small talk.

I wish…

How often can we find ourselves longing for qualities found in others?

We find ourselves wishing for a personality extreme make-over!!!

What is God’s perspective on that?

My gifts are not Logan’s gift and Logan’s gifts are not mine.

That is not who God made us to be.

He hand knitted Logan as Logan and he hand knitted me as me and you as you. 

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

Rather than focusing on my “I wishes…”

I choose to say “I am blessed!”

  • I am blessed by her crazy outgoing spirit that brings out  a spirit of laughter in every situation.
  • I am blessed by her boldness that creates opportunities for me I wouldn’t dream up.
  • I am blessed by her passion for life that comes out through her words that continually inspire me.
  • I am blessed by her connection with The Lord that pushes and pulls me to new places.

I am thankful for the blessing her life offers my life.


Who is is that you wish to be? Think of them.

And now tell me how who God designed them to be blesses you?

Chose to turn your I wish moments into I am blessed experiences.

And trust and know that who you are is a blessing to someone else today.


Make sure you are all subscribed to #blogHope so you can follow along on the journey that starts Sunday! Also, there are a few slots left on my prayer calendar for the trip. Come grab one.