You are…LIFE.
It is two minutes till midnight and I am a full hour past my self-professed bedtime. I wander into my kids’ bedrooms, re-cover them, give them a kiss, and linger a bit to feel their soft baby skin. I never want the pre-bedtime ritual to disappear. As I stand there my mind rewinds through our day.
Was it a good day?
Was it an intentional day?
Unfortunately, I want to reprimand myself for the moments that I grew frustrated too quickly, for stealing too many minutes to be on the computer, and for using the television as entertainment. I stop and think “I didn’t sacrifice enough for them today!” But, the reality is that I didn’t feel like I had any more to give them.
Raise your hand if you have ever been on overload as a mom? All the hands out there are raised, right? If not, then please email me because the rest of us would like to dissect you!
You are going to feel done, overwhelmed, like toast, like giving up, shutting down, walking out, and wondering if all of it is worth it. There are going to be days that you just want to BURST!
The question becomes “what has caused this feeling?”
If I am 100% honest, the times I wish I was a bear and allowed to hibernate is when I have filled myself up with JUNK!
Junk such as…
too much social media,
too many to-do’s,
too many extras,
too many late nights (like I am pulling as I write this),
too many comparison games
too many expectations
& too many priorities other than my family.
The full feeling I actually desire comes from one place.
“You, LORD, are all I want! You are my choice, and you keep me safe.” Psalm 16:5
As moms if we are going to avoid falling in quick sand then we must remember…
Psalm 31:4, “Keep me free from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge.”
God is our refuge. Is He my refuge? Is He your refuge?
I say He is. But where do I go when I want to be an ostrich?
I go to…
My computer
My blog
Other blogs
I am not sure what I am thinking. Do I really think more noise will dampen the sound of me exploding?
Why can’t I remember my favorite verse in those times?
“Be still and know that I am God.”Psalm 46:10
In the midst of kid chaos we CAN find God. We can close our eyes, take a deep breath, and breathe in:
“Be Still.” DEEP BREATH… “And know that I am God.” DEEP BREATH!
“Be Still.” DEEP BREATH… “And know that I am God.” DEEP BREATH!
It is God that gave us the blessing of life, love, and children and it is God that will provide the remedy when it feels like too much.
When the journey of motherhood seems like a dark and worrisome path please remember…
Psalm 36:9 “You are the giver of life. Your light lets us enjoy life.”
You are LIFE. Please, enjoy!
*Originally posted May 9, 2011