Carey Bailey


Body Talk: part III

2002 Stress. What an interesting creature, right? It can cause lack of sleep, it can cause zits, it can cause ulcers, it can cause a crazy desire to clean. For me, it can cause a roller coaster relationship with food. I shared my first battle with an eating disorder in Body Talk part II. I never imagined I would walk down that road again. I thought I was all fixed up. Then came stress unlike any stress I had gone through. I went through a dramatic relationship & work crisis in my mid  ...

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Body Talk:part II

Body Talk: Part II Last week’s post on our bodies hit a cord. I was hoping it would and I was also hoping it wouldn’t. You see, there are large parts of my story and who I have been and become that revolve around my feelings towards my body.  I know my story, some of you reading this know my story, some of you share the same story, and some of you are living the story as I write. That story being that I have dealt with two bouts of what is deemed an “eating disorder”.  Once in college and  ...

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Devotionals, Prayer/Prayer Requests

Judgemental Prayer.

It had been a rough morning. It was my ONE day of the week I get to spend all day with the kids so I needed to do SOMETHING to try to redeem the day for us.  I took them to one of those play areas inside a mall  – we had never done that before. We got there and both kids excitedly ran in and were having a grand time. I immediately went into observation mode. Some caregivers (I don’t want to assume they were moms) were sitting around the perimeter on the phone, some were chit chatting  ...

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Happy Happy Mother’s Day

I am honored to be serving as the guest writer on {in}courage for Mother’s Day! Seriously, thrilled! If you are visiting from {in}courage WELCOME to Cravings! I hope you will peek around, stay awhile and visit again. I would suggest checking out the Wednesday series called Craving Fruit and a brand new Tuesday Series called Body Talk. Again, thanks for visiting. I hope I can get to know you better and your journey to desiring God in the midst of motherhood.p.s. – I have a  ...

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