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Carey Bailey
Living From Gods Needs Rather Than My Wants.
I have been thrilled about how excited ya’ll are for the No Resolution Revolution! Here is some feedback I got this week: “I have to tell you, I’ve been working on my list from your Tips and Tricks this week about everything you want to have, do and be in your lifetime. Carey, ...
From Box Checker to Character Builder
Webster’s Dictionary defines resolution this way. Resolution: A firm decision to do or not do something. For most of my life I loved resolution making. I loved making my list in my journal and then working toward checking off all of those boxes but as my bent toward perfectionism and ...
Join the No Resolution Revolution.
Happy new day! I know you have black-eyed peas to eat, football to watch and general hanging out to enjoy but I just wanted to pop in on this day and invite you to The No Resolution Revolution starting Tuesday as part of my Tips & Tricks series. I used to be a resolution queen in my ...
What Daily Joys Will You Choose?
You did it! You made it through Halloween and Thanksgiving. How are you? Are you feeling a little woozy or ready to go? As you enter into December, what people deem as the busiest time of the year, do you feel ready? With school performances, parties, travels, family visits, presents to buy and ...
What will you accept? What will you reject?
Hi all! It is time for part two of from Juggling to Joy. We are working on how do we move from women who feeling like they are constantly juggling things this holiday season to women who are actually taking a deep breath and experiencing the joy of the holidays? While it isn’t easy or the ...
How to Get From “Juggling to Joy” This Holiday Season
As of next week, the holidays feels like they are officially here! My kids will be out of school and family is coming in. Let the cooking, crafts, performances, school parties and more begin. It can be so easy for it to seem like all I am doing is juggling everything that culture tells me I ...
What needs to fall away?
This photo is from my backyard. For this desert girl, the Fall leaves have been a treat. The colors are so fabulous and now I totally understand why people decorate with oranges, yellows, and browns for Fall. Who knew that they actually made sense??? For the last several weeks this tree has ...
From unbalanced to in balance. It is H A R D!
Ladies, my hard look at what ALL I was trying to bring into balance kicked my tail feathers. How about you? It was an eye-opening, to say the least. Because I felt like I had a good handle on EVERYTHING I was trying to balance I asked myself an alternative question. What did I feel like was ...
What is out of balance?
We are spending these weeks before the holiday crazies to take a look at balance. Because wouldn’t it be lovely to go into the holidays with a plan of how to not let it get out of balance? So, what is balance and how do you get it? If you missed week one make sure to check it out here : ...